Come and See Weekends
Registration Forms:
Young Adult Discernment Weekend
Attendees must also fill out a liability waiver, which will be sent to them once they register
Tentative Schedule:
Friday, February 21
6:00 - 7:00 pm arrival
7:00 pm Welcome and Icebreaker
8:30 pm Night Prayer
Saturday, February 22
7:00 am Office of Readings
7:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Morning Prayer
9:00 am Mass
10:00 am Vocation Panel and Discussion
11:30 am Rosary and Angelus
12:00 pm Lunch and Dishes
1:00 pm Holy Hour
2:00 pm Free time
3:00 pm Working with the Sisters
4:30 pm Evening Prayer
5:00 pm Supper and Dishes
6:30 pm Recreation with the Sisters
8:30 pm Night Prayer
Sunday, February 23
8:30 am Office of Readings
9:30 am Morning Prayer
10:00 am Brunch
11:30 am Mass
12:30 pm Packing up and Departure
High School Discernment Weekend
Attendees must also fill out a waiver and parental/legal guardian consent form, which will be sent to them once they register
Tentative Schedule:
Friday, March 14
3:30 - 4:30 pm arrival
5:00 pm Supper and Dishes
6:30 pm Welcome and Icebreaker
7:30 pm Holy Hour
8:30 pm Night Prayer
Saturday, February 22
7:00 am Office of Readings
7:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Morning Prayer
9:00 am Mass
10:00 am Vocation Testimony and Discussion
11:30 am Rosary and Angelus
12:00 pm Lunch and Dishes
1:00 pm Recreation
2:00 pm Working with the Sisters
3:30 pm Retreat Closing
4:00 pm Packing up and Departure